Just Launched: Playlist of the Dresden Nexus Conference Plenary Sessions
Dresden - From 25 to 27 March 2015, UNU-FLORES organized the inaugural Dresden Nexus Conference 2015 (DNC2015) on “Global Change, SDGs and the Nexus Approach” together with the Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) and the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER).
The main focus of the conference was how the integrated management of environmental resources guided by a nexus approach may help to achieve the potential targets of the post-2015 agenda. However, the role and impact of DNC goes much beyond that of a typical academic conference. DNC is a cross-sectoral platform for nexus-oriented initiatives, and thus a key pillar for advancing the nexus approach to the integrated management of resources. Bringing together scientists, implementers, decision-makers and donors, DNC has and will continue to connect UNU Institutes, UN entities, first-class research institutions, governmental institutions, and nongovernmental organizations working in this field. In this vein, the conference organizers have launched the Dresden Nexus Conference Playlist this week to continue to connect nexus-oriented intiatives to one another.
Knowledge sharing and knowledge dissemination are a fundamental part of UNU-FLORES’s mission and of the role of DNC2015 as a platform for nexus-oriented research. Acting on the belief that sharing knowledge is the surest way to increase it, UNU-FLORES, together with TU Dresden and IOER, have chosen to make all the content of the DNC2015 plenary sessions available to the general public. Over the next few months, individual videos of all programme items of the plenary sessions will be published on the Dresden Nexus Conference Playlist.
Each day of the conference dealt with one aspect of global change: climate, urbanization and population growth. The daily general structure of plenary sessions was similar across the three days: starting in the morning with a plenary including two keynote presentations related to the thematic topic of each day. After the lunch break, participants reassembled in a plenary for a panel discussion that reported and analysed the outcomes of the parallel sessions. Each plenary session was brought to an end with a concluding talk. The aim of the concluding talk of the day was to synthesize the major aspects emerging from the daily keynotes and related discussions, the outcome of the sessions and the panel discussion. The main deviations from this structure were the opening remarks on Day 1, and the Conference Wrap-Up and closing on Day 3. All of these programme items will be available in full length on the Dresden Nexus Conference Playlist. The following three videos are already available on the Dresden Nexus Conference Playlist:
- Opening Remarks
- Panel Discussion on Climate Change and the Nexus Approach
- Prof. Rabi Mohtar's Day 1 Climate Change: Concluding Talk
The Dresden Nexus Conference Playlist can be viewed directly below, or by going to the UNU-FLORES YouTube Channel.