The United Nations University aims to develop sustainable solutions for pressing global problems of human survival and development. The Dresden-based Institute for the Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources” (UNU-FLORES) develops strategies to resolve pressing issues in the area of sustainable use and integrated management of environmental resources such as soil, water and waste. Established in December 2012, the institute engages in research, capacity development, advanced teaching and training to advance a Nexus Approach to resources management.
Represented by:
Edeltraud Guenther (Director), Kai Schwaerzel (Academic Officer, Soil and Land-Use Management), Claudia Seiler (Event Coordinator), Atiqah Fairuz Salleh (Digital Communications Editor)
Awarded by German government, the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) is one of the eleven Excellence Initiative universities in Germany since 2012, making it one of the eleven best universities in Germany. As well TU Dresden is member of the prestigious TU9 group, the alliance of the leading nine Universities of Technology in Germany. Strong in research and considered first-rate with respect to the range and the quality of the study programmes it offers, it is also closely interconnected with culture, business and society. The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering formed up into the Faculties of Architecture, Civil Engineering Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Transportation and Traffic Sciences and Business and Economics to strengthen their interdisciplinary cooperation and coordination in teaching, research and administration. Based on the strategic research priority areas of TU Dresden the diverse research activities at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering focus on providing solutions to global mega-challenges such as energy, resources, mobility and climatic change.
Represented by:
Lars Bernard (Dean Faculty of Environmental Sciences), Christina Dornack (Director, Institute for Waste Management and Circular Economy), Niels Schütze (Chair of Hydrology), Marius Müller (Conference Management)
The Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) is an establishment of the Leibniz Association for Research in the Spatial Sciences. The IOER builds the scientific basis for the sustainable growth of cities and regions in the national and international context, with their research addressing ecological issues of sustainable development. The IOER strives to contribute through innovative research and advice to the compatibility of human action and the development of the natural environment in order to ensure the sustainable basis of life.
Represented by:
Marc Wolfram (Director), Artem Korzhenevych (Head of Research Area Economic Aspects of Ecological Urban and Regional Development), Andreas Otto (Deputy Director, Head of Research Management), Hendrikje Wehnert (Research Management), Sabine Witschas (Head of Research Infrastructure)