Please refresh your browser regularely to get access to updated Zoom links.
In emergency please log out and back in.
Don't use Zoom links received via email:
go for updated Zoom links on DAILY PROGRAMME.
HOW TO GET ACCESS TO THE DNC2020 FEATURES via Zoom links - see 3b (below).
Find all eDNC2020 programme features including the essential live events:
Various conference offers are accessible for a longer period:
Please follow the "register" button to register and to book to the eDNC2020 programme features (or DNC2020 in general). Access is free of charge, registration is open to all. Your selection of programme features there (not mandatory) helps us to prepare the event properly.
Please note that the Zoom links to access the conference features will be provided on the website by 2 June 2020.
Reimbursement information: Persons who had registered to DNC2020 before May 2020 will get their delegate fees fully reimbursed (no need to become active!).
3.a. Prepare before the conference
Prepare your equipment for attending an online event:
Arrange appropriate internet access (in case of wireless connections locate near your router),
audio output and if necessary camera and microphone input (choose a quiet location with minimal ambient noise).
Since eDNC2020 live events will be hosted in Zoom virtual meeting rooms:
Download the Zoom desktop or mobile app in your device and familiarize yourself with the various tools and functionalities of the app (mute/unmute; screensharing, etc)
Presenters' responsibility :
Connection test: clarify session access modes with your session convener
Presentation slides have to be ready to use for screen sharing at your computer
Presentation recording: Keynote speakers and selected NEXUS experts will offer their contribution prerecorded (Tutorials How to record via MS PowerPoint and How to record via Zoom).
Use the days before the conference to watch the eDNC2020 keynotes on Youtube and add your questions via comments. They will be answered during the Q&A conference sections throughout 3-5 June
The time zone for eDNC2020 is UTC plus 2 hours (Central European Summer Time (CEST), UTC +2)
3.b Getting access to the conference features (Zoom links)
DNC2020 website will show the Zoom links to access the specific Conference features by 2 June 2020. The links will be visible only for DNC registered participants!
Registered DNC2020 participants, please:
- login see head menu bar "login",
- input your DNC2020 Username and Password,
- click "Programme" (head menu bar), and
- find the feature Zoom links via "Daily programme"
3.c During the conference
Use the specific Zoom links to attend the eDNC2020 programme feature.
When joining the sessions, please:
Publicize and share the conference on your social media and professional networks. Join the conversation on Twitter @DresdenNexus.
3.d After the conference
Continue the engagement with the conference attendees via the various social networking (e.g., LinkedIn, ResearchGate, Twitter) channels.
Special issues will be published – we will keep you informed.
Please use Zoom client 5.0
We apply video conferencing app Zoom because of it’s easy-to-use functionality and resilient performance.
Regarding to security concerns we point out that zoom meetings and chats are now end-to-end encrypted (1 June 2020).
A specific contract on data processing can ensure the basic requirements of European data protection laws.
If you want to test zoom in advance, please follow the link:
Keep in mind that you must have booked a ticket to have access to the participant list!