Call for Abstracts
Under the umbrella “SDGs and the Nexus Approach: Monitoring and Implementation”, the Dresden Nexus Conference 2017 (DNC2017) will focus on Multifunctional land-use systems and Resources management in resilient cities. Contributions to DNC2017 should be assigned to one of the session topics.
Submissions now closed
The following key questions that DNC2017 aims to address may help to define the scope of your contribution:
- How and by which management options may a Nexus Approach to the management of water, soil and waste enhance sustainable intensification of agriculture in multifunctional land-use systems?
- How can organic waste and wastewater be used and integrated in multifunctional land-use systems?
- Which strategies, activities, instruments and governance arrangements can foster sustainable and inclusive forms of urban development towards smart green cities?
- Which strategies, activities, instruments and governance arrangements can foster sustainable and inclusive forms of land-use management such as multifunctional land-use systems?
- Do we have the tools – and what are the requirements for appropriate tools – facilitating integrated management of water, soil and waste?
- How to assess the effects of adapted and integrated management? Are current monitoring programmes appropriate to deliver the required data and indices?
- Which type of specified or additional targets and indicators will be required to assess progress in achieving the SDGs?
- What role do urban-rural interlinkages play for sustainable development and management of water, soil and waste?
- How can a Nexus Approach to the management of water, soil and waste contribute to the socio-economic development of cities and regions and how can it help to act in an (economically) effective and efficient way?
- How can the different actors/stakeholders – public, civic, and private – cooperate to strengthen the Nexus Approach to the management of water, soil, and waste?
Overall, DNC2017 will discuss how the application of a Nexus Approach may help to achieve various inter-related SDGs, with regard to research, education and advocacy and aims to
- Provide scientific evidence for – and quantification of – benefits from applying a Nexus Approach to management of water, soil and waste resources, including the identification of required data, information and indicators;
- Identify knowledge gaps and priorities for research, education and policy advice related to integrated management of water, soil and waste;
- Engage member states and donors in the discussion of needed individual and institutional capacities and appropriate strategies for implementation of a Nexus Approach, including creating incentives and removing barriers to unlock the potential of a green economy.
Abstracts should include the following information:
- Title
- Author(s): Name, affiliation, e-mail (1st author)
- Abstract: max. 1500 characters (with spaces)
- Key message: max. 250 characters (with spaces)
and submitted via the online submission system. Please take a look at the session topics and indicate to which of the proposed sessions your contribution should be associated.
We welcome oral and poster presentations. Oral presentations by default will have a duration of 10 minutes; specific arrangements may hold for single sessions and will be communicated by the session convenors after the acceptance of oral contributions. We will reserve ample time for poster presentations and also organise a poster competition.
Based on the evaluation of submitted abstracts we will invite selected contributions to submit full papers to be included in a post-conference publication (a book or special issue of a journal). Please indicate in the abstract submission form whether you would be interested in this option.
We welcome further and additional ways of involvement in DNC2017. If you are interested in engaging in a different way at DNC2017, please send your proposal to
We look forward to meeting you in Dresden for an exciting conference.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 31 July 2016 (Deadline extended! 31 August 2016)Submissions now closed
Download “Call for Abstracts” as PDF here